Wednesday, March 11, 2015

gutter muck [alternate version]

the day the original version of gutter muck was published...
the very day my author's copy was delivered to me...
my muse was screaming at me...
"JT...wait...wait...i have an idea...a better idea!
what about this?"

i tried to shut her up.
i tried to put on headphones.

i wanted to celebrate the release of my new novel.
i wanted to bask in the rapture!
but she kept on...
throwing poo...
nothing i could do would shut her up.

so, reluctantly,
i listened.

she had this idea.
she told me of another way that gutter muck could work.

i didn't want to listen.
i didn't want to hear her.

but...i did.

several months later...
after delving back into the characters that i just said goodbye to...
i created another version to gutter muck.

the original version is raw, raunchy, loaded with profanity...
so much so i am sure it has offended anyone who has had the stomach to read it.
my muse had me convinced that this might alienate some people.
so...i made an alternate version...
a version devoid of all the rawness and raunchiness and explosive profanity.

and in the process of making a few changes...
a new story sprouted.
new characters...
new ideas...
new thoughts...

a new set of ripples brought a whole new life to my novel.
the story was changed a bit...
but for the most part, it is still intact.

i have been reluctant to release it for numerous reasons.
mainly...i didn't want to confuse people...
two version of one novel?
would anyone have patience for that?

i wasn't sure.
i am not sure.
so for a few years i shelved it...
so uncertain...
and unwilling...
to let anyone peek at this different version.

my muse has me convinced that releasing it to the public is the only solution!

an alternate version 
gutter muck.

will be officially released
in hard copy version and in e-book form...
on tuesday, march 31.

to take a little peek...
check out...


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