Monday, November 29, 2010

get k!cked...again!

so...i've my first novel k!ck...
went back to the drawing board and made the changes i always wanted to make.
for seven years i had to sit on my hands...wasn't allowed to change anything...
but now...yay!...i can! those of you who have never read k!ck...[which is most, if not all of you]...
this version is much better...

i didn't change that much...but i had to alter some things...some items were bugging me...some minor things i wasn't crazy about the first time around...

but now...everything is fixed.

as of tomorrow....this version of k!ck will be available on the blurb website...

it's the new site where most of books are being sold.
check out the site...even if you don't buy anything...just look at it...i love it.

[certainly i'm not suggesting you ever have to buy any of my books...but if you feel so inclined...
check out's the coolest site...ever!]

thanks for all your support!
you guys rock!



  1. Can't wait to see the changes. :-) Hope that "me blood" part is FINALLY fixed!! Oy!! What an eyesore!! Who was your proofreader on THAT one??? Oh...wait...uh....OOOPS...!! :-)

  2. obviously i need better help...a better entourage...buncha slackers! oy! i guess u get what u pay for, right? that'll learn me! :) but anyway...yeah "me blood" was finally fixed. oy! i can sleep now! yay!
