Tuesday, March 6, 2018

[stay weird]

"Stay Weird"

That would be me.
That's a word I cling to so often...
so many facets of my life are defined by that word.
And certainly weird would be no exception each time I watch the Academy Awards.

Uh huh.

For me, the most exciting awards of the evening are the writing awards.
Yeah, writing.
Oh, I said it...writing.
Sure the acting awards are cool...and I do pose an interest.
Yay, Meryl Streep.  Yay, Frances McDormand.  Yay, Whoopi Goldberg.  Yay, Sean Penn.

But...the writing awards...
I find myself leaning in a little closer...
moving closer to the television...
not only to see what the academy constitutes good writing...
but to see who has turned their writing into moving pictures...
who has turned their dream into reality.

Simply, I love it.
And, yes, I know that's weird.

I'm not saying that I will ever grace that stage with anything I wrote...
but the dream...
the thought...
the idea that I could take my writing to another level...
to reach more people with what I've written...
even if it isn't Oscar-worthy...
the Oscars always catapult me into wanting to push myself a little harder...
a reminder that dreams do happen...
and that...if I just keep trying...
something that I've written just might be read by more than ten people.

Well, in that interim...
here are some of my favorite Oscar-winning speeches in the last few years...
speeches that inspire me...
speeches that make me want to be a better writer...
speeches that make me want to dream a little bit bigger!

I, too, can dream.

Image result for jordan peele

Jordan Peele

“I stopped writing this movie about 20 times because I thought it was impossible. I thought it wasn’t going to work. I thought no one would ever make this movie. But I kept coming back to it because I knew if someone let me make this movie, that people would hear it and people would see it.” 

Image result for james ivory oscar

James Ivory

"Whether straight or gay or somewhere in between, we've all gone through first love and come out the other side in tact."

Image result for barry jenkins oscar speech

Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney

"Very clearly, even in my dreams this could not be true, but to hell with dreams!  I'm done with it because this is true.  Oh, my goodness."

Image result for graham moore
Graham Moore
"I promise you do.  You do.  Stay weird.  Stay different.  And then when it's your turn, and you are the one standing on this stage, please pass the same message to the next person who comes along."


Monday, February 12, 2018

[5...4...3...2...1...all systems g-wait...not yet!]

[5…4…3…2…1…all systems g–wait…not quite yet…]

so, there’s a website that i am ready to launch into cyberspace.  it is a website i worked on rather diligently back a few years ago…all my blood, sweat, and tears…poured so much into it.  when it was all done…ready to be viewed…i pulled the plug on all the engines…kept it grounded.
well, that will require a hundred more blogs to answer that question.  [stay tuned!  something to look forward to.  yeehaw!]
anyway…today…monday, february 11, 2018, i dusted off my old, dormant website…checked it out myself…[“wow, this is gonna be good, i can tell.”  i was so dory when i looked it over…no clue as to half the things i did with it.]
in this new year…in this awesome new year…2018…i am taking more chances with my books…my writing…and not letting the same old stupid obstacles hold me back anymore.
this is an unofficial launching…because as of now, the site still needs a little love…it requires some tweaking before it can be official.  so, for now i am doing a test run.  to anyone reading this right now…and within the remainder of the week…you get to sample how the sample looks right now!  wow…how lucky are you?!
bear in mind that there are some minor glitches.  the blog page is a bit wonky.  i am not sure why it looks that way…and im the creator.  i have tinkered with it…but not with very much success.  technology is not being that friendly to me at the moment…but i am confident and hoping to conquer this minor setback.
anyway…to those of you reading…[hello, is there anybody out there?] i hope you enjoy.
in a few days…the real launch will take place.
so, get your sunglasses and phones ready…it will be absolutely monumental!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

[march of the mushrooms]

[march of the mushrooms]

by early the next day, long before the sun rises, we are ready, so ready, more than ready. Tossed once more from another safe yet suffocating cocoon and into the open, frigid, frightening world. We’ve been here before, standing in there same shoes, old fists, charged and pumped–and oh, so soft–so soft–unable to wreak any havoc or do any damage.
But now, now–[how now, brown cow, we giggle–] now it is time! This is our moment. Finally!
We bring to the surface, pull from the electric charges that illuminate our hearts, once more, all the fears and obstacles that once stood before us–blocking, obstructing, preposterously preventing us from 
pursuing–and claiming, yes, claiming, what is so rightfully ours.

This is how the year started for me.
A mere mushroom…
pushing his way up through the cracks of the pavement…
trying to find a place…
a voice…
no longer with my soft fists…
I am so ready to inherit the earth.

[an enormous, hearty thanks goes to sylvia plath…the beyond brilliant poet who etched the poem “mushrooms”…which is where this image came from.  read her poem…click here…don’t wait…do it right this minute.]

Tuesday, January 9, 2018



check check

one two
is this thing on
check check
one two
one two

i tried this before

and although 
i didn't get that loud
there was a spark
a little


i have better speakers now
i have turned up the juice

something tells me

this time
im gonna make 
a bigger splash!

