Tuesday, October 28, 2014

[k!ck] + [spooky] e-books...available now!

So, finally, after all these years...
I have finally joined the rest of the technological world...


converted some of my books into...

[drum roll, please]



[insert lots of confetti here]

I know!
can you believe it?

Finally...I have arrived...
decided to offer my books to a much wider audience.

[Cue Gwen Stefani's "Whatcha Waiting For?" right here!]

So...to those of you who have never read any of my books...
which is most of you...
or, to any of you who want to see my books pop with a nice technological buzz...

go to blurb.com
and order...




available now!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Go Team Scotty! Go!

Step out!

Well, we did just that...

...stepped out...

...did our part to make some sort of difference...

...raising money [as well as walking early in the morning] to help others...those who need our help.

Go us!  Go Team Scotty!

Yesterday the WALK TO STOP DIABETES took place at Huizenga Park in Fort Lauderdale...bright and early at 8 o'clock...under a cloudless sky!

Tons of people came out to support the cause...341 teams...2,075 walkers, according to the Step Out Walk for Diabetes website.  Even though the event raised a colossal $276,306, the event was a bit shy of reaching its goal of $364,000 this year.  Donations are still available through the Step Out website...and through the American Diabetes Association website.

[This year's goal: $364,000.00 | Raised $276,306.63]  

Even though the event did not reach its goal, Team Scotty did.  By nine o'clock yesterday morning, Team Scotty had raised an amazing $1,208.  Yeehaw!  Quite an accomplishment for us since our official announcement for joining in this year was only two weeks ago.  Two weeks.
In two mere weeks, we raised all that money! 

Wow!  Our goal was small, something reachable...a mere $200.  The goal bar was kept pretty low considering time was our enemy this year.  And, sure enough, we shattered it!

By the end of the walk, donations were still coming in...pushing the grand total of our goal even higher...to an amazing $1,080.  Wow...continued!

Big thanks go to Lynn Wilson, Michelle Wilson, Jon and Linda Wilson, Jen Partridge, Cheryl Barrios, and Raphael and his father [sorry, don't know their last names.  I guess if I was any good at blogging I would research it]...for getting up early, coming out and supporting Team Scotty in person. 

Also, huge thank you's go out to all of you who donated your generous gifts to Team Scotty...for helping us meet our goal...for helping us get one step closer to finding a cure for diabetes.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

wilson: [an excerpt of] k!ck

wilson: [an excerpt of] k!ck: "I was falling. Drifting. Spiraling. Down through this wicked suffocating darkness.  Pulling it over my weathered flesh like a ...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

k!ck a bully!

Hey, ya'all!
So, here's my latest fund-raising endeavor...

October is 
Let's all stand up to bullies and bullying.  
Stop being a victim!  
Put on an empowering T-shirt...
and stand up to those jerks!  


I went to an awesome website...
[thanks to the amazing suggestion by Jen Partridge]
and I let my imagination go crazy.
After some minor kicking + screaming...
 I, eventually, 
had the picture you see at the top of this very blog...
 on a T-shirt.

Now, you too, can purchase one!


Again, all the proceeds go to the 

For the money to get to them, though, 
I have to sell 40 shirts.

At the moment, since it opened this morning...
I have sold about 8 shirts.
I am so excited right now!
I wasn't sure if 40 was too much...
but now, after a few hours,
I think I can do it.

if you're interested...
check out this link...



Thursday, October 16, 2014

wilson: [an excerpt of] k!ck

wilson: [an excerpt of] k!ck: "I was falling. Drifting. Spiraling. Down through this wicked suffocating darkness.  Pulling it over my weathered flesh like a ...

[an excerpt of] k!ck

"I was falling.
Down through this wicked suffocating darkness.  Pulling it over my weathered flesh like a soft thick blanket. There was a unique yet familiar ease that passed through me.  Crawling through my heart
and lungs.  The pale like skeletal outlines of his chalky cheekbones emerged through the twisted shadows.
 His smooth silky
yet scratchy cape
brushed against my cold flesh.

Breathe.  Breathe.  Keep breathing.  Even if for just a moment.  Breathe.  Breathe.

And I knew.  More than ever before.  That it was the final piece of our ultimate plan.  I caught his coal black lifeless eyes flickering.
Shimmering in my gaze for like the last time.

It was finally time for me to die."


[re-designed + re-shellacked]

available @

it's national stop-bullying month!
what better way to celebrate the month than buying a copy
 for your favorite bully!


Tuesday, October 14, 2014



once again...i am back.
i keep doing this...
starting...then stopping...
starting...then stopping...
never committing myself to the blogosphere...
never staying long enough to figure out what it is that so many people love about this place.


i feel more determined than ever...
to really stay with this...
to make some attempt to reach people with my books.

i do feel that i have something to say.
it may not be what you want to hear...
but i do have a voice.


here we go...
once again...

to commemorate, yet another attempt at blogging...
i am re-re-re-re-releasing my first book...
to the world!

i guess you could say i am "k!cking" things off here, huh?

lame pun there.
but you were thinking it.
come on...you know you were!]

i have gone through the old version of 
+ made some changes..
more visual changes than anything else.
the story is, 
for the most part, 
still intact.
but i have designed it to look more like a journal...
something i always wanted to do 
but publishamerica...
[my first publisher]
only had a certain number of fonts + designs at the time.
in ten years...
things have changed a bit.

so...here it is...
the new + improved


to those of you interested in 
re-reading it...
[or, well, just reading it for the first time...]

go to

and order it.

this fresh blog entry is simply about promoting my book...
a book i wrote back in 2003...
about a troubled young man 
who turns to Death 
to help save his life.

i have nothing more to say.
i will let my book speak for itself.

for now...anyway.

feel free to post something here.
feel free to provide some feedback.
i am ready to listen...
ready to hear what you have to say.
i may not like it...
but my ears are open.
